Soul Ties and How to Break Them (Part 1)
I remember hearing of soul ties when I was much younger but didn’t understand much about them. Back then God spoke to me and explained what they were, how they worked and how the enemy uses them. One thing I know for sure is that the enemy doesn’t create a soul tie. WE DO! But our enemy loves to influence and infect them.
A soul tie happens through physical or emotional intimacy…. even through infatuation. It can be GREAT in a healthy marriage, friendship, parental or child relationships. Remember David and Jonathan in their covenant friendship? (See 1 Samuel 18).
But there are those relationships that are not healthy. It can feel like love or desperation for that person. Always feeling like you need their love, protection, support, company etc… it’s a relationship many times rooted in idolatry of some sort, typically unknown to the person. They may be someone you always go back to either physically or mentally.

Over the years I’ve heard many people say they “will always love them or be in love with them because this was my first this or that”. This may be a good indication that it’s an unhealthy demonic soul tie. It is a delusion that has blinded many. I was once one of those people. However, early on God taught me about them and I grew a strong conviction concerning them.
Is it always demonic? I would say no, but if it’s definitely a bondage situation then yes it can be demonic. Now if you’re married, there’s other posts for that. This blog post isn’t license to get divorced. But if you opened yourself up to an unhealthy relationship… it’s not that the enemy made you do it, he may have influenced it. By your own authority you decided to become a party to it. And if you begin to sin or fall into bondage, that’s when this becomes a demonic soul tie. You’re operating on his turf, by his rules etc. And the enemy loves to begin operating inside of things that are rooted outside of God’s will. Now that we established that, please read on. There’s more.
When I broke up from someone many many years ago it hurt sooooo bad. I heard the Lord whisper to me that it wasn’t true love that I experienced. It was a soul tie. When the tie disconnects, you can sometimes physically feel the pain of the disconnection. I kept my eyes on God and resisted calling this person. I resisted but I hurt so bad that all I could do was curl up in a ball. The Lord said that some of the pain would subside in a few days. And it did… I was still vulnerable but after a week or so I could think more clearly.
remember how demonically influenced that relationship was and I wanted true
freedom. When you want real freedom you DON’T make excuses for yourself and you
DON’T make excuses for the other person. Each party typically was equally wrong
even if you felt like the victim. Having a relationship outside of God is
always a bad idea. But you know what is worse? A relationship that LOOKS like
it has God potential. That is the most deceptive type and again… the enemy
loves to ride along on the sin WE create. This is how it becomes even more
twisted of a soul tie. So yes a spirit of deception was there but I invited it
in. Not the other person (though they were very deceptive). I… like Eve
disobeyed the One I had covenant with…. my REAL first love… my FIRST husband…
The Father. See… we will act like this is the love of our lives when in our
heart and the back of our minds we know it is destructive but we’re hoping God
will bless it and turn it around anyway! When you ignore Him and proceed with
the relationship it’s on you to decide you no longer want to live under your
own deception.
Because it is a demonic soul tie, the demonic spirits they are subject to… you
are also. You will either be enticed or tormented by them.

This is what I decided in my early twenties. I was a Minister and realized I was under deception. I didn’t want to minister under a deceived mindset, so I called my Pastor to tell him everything and I sat myself down. My Pastor decided how long that would be. All I wanted was to truly be free and to have the man of God that GOD wanted in my life. This was about 20 years ago.
In part 2 we will discuss how to actually break a Soul Tie.
you all!
—April Moore
Originally (partially) published Nov 2016
photos are from unknown sources