Healing in Unexpected Ways

Healing in Unexpected Ways
“On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years.” – Luke 13:10-11
When Jesus was teaching in the synagogue (or church), he saw a woman crippled. Many versions of the Bible explain that the woman was doubled over, unable to straighten her spine at all.
Imagine the pain of walking hunched over for years. Suddenly even mundane tasks like grocery shopping or cooking dinner would be unbearably painful. Your joints and muscles would ache constantly from compensating for your spinal column. Your neck would be at angle, making conversations and eye contact difficult.
So when Jesus saw the woman, He was overcome with compassion. He called out, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” (Luke 13:12)
But an interesting thing happens then. As everyone else rejoices and praises God, the church leader grows angry. He says there are six days to work on and the seventh is meant to be holy. “If you want to be healed,” he says, “Come on the right day!” (Luke 13:14, paraphrased).
Jesus become angry and calls the man a hypocrite, asking, “Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?”
Healing doesn’t always present the way we would like it to. Jesus may choose to heal that woman from her violent spouse by allowing a divorce. He may choose to heal a sick man from cancer by taking him to Heaven.
It’s important as Christians that we don’t judge the healed for how they’re healed. Rather, we’re just to rejoice that Christ has done a beautiful miracle.
God, help me to rejoice with those who have been healed. I don’t want to be so caught up in what I think healing should look like that I miss it when You perform a miracle. I thank You and praise You for the healing that has happened to those around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Who Is Your Lazarus?
Who Is Your Lazarus?
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” – John 11:40
Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, were close friends of Jesus. So when their brother was ill, the sisters sent for Him, saying, “The one you love is ill.” (John 11:3)
But Jesus didn’t drop everything and leave. He waited two days before journeying to see Lazarus. As He departed he told his disciples that Lazarus was asleep and it was time to wake him.
When Jesus arrived, Martha hurried out to meet him. Her anguished cry reflects on our own during times of pain, “If You were here, this wouldn’t have happened…”
This is when Jesus reminds her of his Divinity. He says He’s the Resurrection and the Life and asks her if she believes.
“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” (John 11:27)
In times of pain—before the Lord has healed an illness or restored a relationship—it can be tempting to focus on what hasn’t happened or get trapped into an endless cycle of questions.
But Jesus encouraged Martha to focus on His identity, rather than her pain or her circumstances. Re-affirming what you believe about Jesus can be a powerful way to find peace, even in the middle of deep pain.
Jesus, I believe You are the Messiah. You came into the world to rescue and redeem me. I don’t know why it seems that You haven’t moved in my situation but I’m choosing to trust in Your character. You are good and faithful always. Amen.
Be The One
Be the One
“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.” – Luke 17:15
Leprosy is an infectious disease. It attacks the nerves in a person’s hands, feet, and face. As nerves begin to die, the patient loses sensation. This means that cuts, scrapes, and bruises on the skin cannot be felt.
For many people, this leaves them vulnerable to even more infections. Severe infections can even result in disfiguration as doctors remove portions of skin, in an attempt to save the patient.
In Biblical times, leprosy meant a person was “unclean” and couldn’t interact with the rest of society. Instead, a leper would have to leave their friends and family to go live with others who also suffered from the disease.
That’s why when 10 men saw Jesus, they cried out in unison for healing. Jesus promised them healing and told each one to go see the local priest who could then declare them “clean” so they could rejoin society.
On their way, all ten received healing but only one came back to praise Jesus for his miraculous healing.
Many times, God heals us in seemingly little ways, like helping you recover from the flu or strengthening your body after strep throat. Maybe you or your loved one recovered from Covid. Have you thanked God for these moments of healing? If not, consider doing that now…
God, thank You for all the times You’ve healed me—from minor illnesses to bigger health problems. Help me to remember Your faithfulness, no matter how I’m feeling. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Unseen Daughter
The Unseen Daughter
At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” – Mark 5:30
She’d spent years suffering from heavy menstrual periods. She went from doctor to doctor, spending everything she had. She was tired frequently since fatigue was a symptom of her constant blood loss.
She was lonely, too. In her culture, she was considered unclean. Anything she touched or slept on was also unclean. If others touched her, even to offer a simple hug or pat on the shoulder, they would have to go through a ceremonial cleansing in order to be pure.
When she heard about Jesus, she knew He could heal her disease. She tried to push through the crowd but she couldn’t make her way through the throng of people. So, she dropped to the ground and crawled on her belly until she came to Jesus.
Reaching out, she touched his cloak and felt healing instantly. She knew in that moment that He was truly the Messiah.
But as she moved to leave, she heard Him call out. He wanted to know who had touched Him, so she came trembling and poured out the whole story.
Many people have theories on why Jesus wanted the woman to come forward. As the Son of God, He surely knew who had touched Him. So, why stop and address her? Why not let her leave now that she had been healed?
It could be that Jesus longed to show her the woman that her pain and struggle had been seen. It’s easy when encountering pain to feel like God is ignoring you or that He’s forgotten about you. But just as Jesus saw the woman with the blood issue, He sees you, dear one.
God, help me when I feel unseen to remember You are the God who sees. You know my story from beginning to end. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Unity is VERY important for the year of 2022!
Unity in the Body of Christ has been HEAVY on my heart for over a year.
It seems so hard to see true unity in the Body of Christ. But just remember that unity takes character, love and insight from the Lord. You won’t always agree in unity. But you can choose to be IN agreement with other true Believers in areas you DO agree.
Issues like differences in politics, healthcare, pandemics and so much more have been subjects of division. Our pride asserts we MUST be right and WIN an argument and demand that another of His beloved is just wrong and without worth. We devalue His Beloved. THEY are to LOSE… but not us!!! Is God really MORE concerned about you being right or you walking in RIGHTEOUSness?
And petty or mean posts aren’t the way to stay unified through differences.
The enemy is very intentional and cunning in shutting down the advancements of the Kingdom. All while we tear each other down and give into the temptations he throws at us. He’s being effective.
SO MUST WE! We have the authority to allow or disallow the enemy to win against our unity. Unity helps us advance!
Call out sin with those who stray. Seek to win them, pray for them and not shame them in your news feeds this year.
There are other Prophets that may have more insight on the big things that are ahead and I’m ok with staying in my lane.
But I DO know that 2020-2021 were years that tested our unity. And many of us failed. We did not pray and remain rooted in love. Not saying you had to remain aligned with malignancies. Because these years revealed the deeper, darker parts of the hearts of mankind globally.
What I’m saying is did you get offended and allow offense to remain? Did you get bitter and not pull out of it?
Others can tell you specifics. But I DO know that there’s more testing of unity coming, our hearts and stances in the Kingdom will be tested. Our political views will be more challenged (hint… we should ascend our perspective above ANY party by the way). More and bigger trials against unity are coming. Decide now how your heart posture will stand amidst adversity and against more of the ugly becoming unconvered in people’s lives.
Will you pray for the fallen? Or will you take your privilege of salvation and safety for granted OR use that privilege with your authority to pray, to educate and heal others?
It’s time to align strongly with the Lord. Come out of carnality and your own ways… focusing on the distractions of life and looking AROUND you. It’s time to stand firm in your trust in Him. Level up your insight and refuse to bow to lower level thinking. You’re made for more and you were PLACED in this world at this TIME in history for a reason.
Business Checkpoints
Some Business Checkpoints
Doing business ‘by the book’ is our goal, so let’s break that down into some practical bits.
Do you carefully consider the deadlines you promise to meet and then meet them?
Do you apologize quickly and without excuse when you have to miss a deadline?
Do you make your policies known and stand behind them?
Do you treat your clients, partners and colleagues like the precious children of God that you know they are?
Do you deal with conflict with patience and love?
Do you tell the truth?
Do you bill accurately?
Do you refund fairly?
Do you pay your taxes?
Do you keep your business in order – working as unto the Lord?
Do you control your attitude and represent your God in the marketplace with honor?
These areas put our faith on the line and call us to do more than just pray for our business but bring our entire business to the altar as an offering of obedience and good stewardship.
Participating in God’s Economy
Participating in God’s Economy
It’s great to dig into the Word to pull His promises out and claim them for ourselves.
But God is not a magic genie and the bible isn’t a lamp that you rub to get what you want and it’s important that we don’t approach Him that way.
DO believe what God says and DO expect His provision, but ALSO consider what God asks of you in His Word.
Malachi 3:10 reads:
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
This next question may make you uncomfortable:
Do you tithe?
The Bible has a lot to say about giving and introduces the concept of giving God the first fruits of any harvest.
A title is generally considered to be a 10% offering off the top of your income and offerings are gifts made above that.
There’s opinions on whether that’s 10% of the gross or the net of course and I have to admit I lean towards gross but I totally understand both views.
I would suggest – and you’re free to disagree – that participating fully in God’s Economy would start with honoring His request for the tithe.
Malachi 3:10 certainly seems to send that message.
What do you think?
If you don’t believe in tithing – or don’t tithe now for whatever reason, do you find it hard to ask God for financial blessings in your life and for your business?
Living on God’s Economy
Wherever you live, you are experiencing an Economy.
Economy: Activities related to the production and distribution of goods and services in a geographic region.
If you have ever traveled around our country you know that the economy changes. The price on a gallon of gas changes from place to place based on the local economy and other factors. Housing prices change from one economic region to another, etc.
Travel outside of the world to an underdeveloped country and you experience a whole other change of economy AND sometimes a drastic change in the value of currency.
Some folks love traveling to Mexico to enjoy the increased value of their dollar and the lower prices of their economy.
You get the idea.
A friend of mine here in northern Michigan wasted a bit of her time whining to me about the poor economy and her lack of options to make a good living.
We are God’s.
And as His, we can and must choose to live on His Economy!
Psalm 50:10 reads: for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
Do yourself a huge favor today and go read all of Psalm 50.
Let God remind you that HE is the master of this world and everything in it.
The rest of this week drill this fact home in every decree and devotion – freeing you from the limits and restraints of negative reports and small thinking!
Prayers and Affirmations for Your Business
Prayers and Affirmations for Your Business
We’ve learned or been reminded last week that praying for our business and guarding our tongue when we talk about it is super important.
If you tend towards negativity in your speech or simply don’t know a lot about prayer, you can use these sample prayers and affirmations as a starting point.
Write them out on index cards or save them on your computer desktop. Keep them before your eyes and let them serve as a reminder to speak life over your business and pray often!
Prayers for your Business:
(From Deuteronomy 30:8-10)
Father God, I choose to obey you and follow all your commands. I love that as I obey you you will delight in me and make me prosperous! I will take the time to know and obey your word and trust that you will make the work of my hands profitable.
(From Luke 6:38)
Father, show me how and where and to who I should be generous with my gifts and talents. I long to sow good seed into the lives of others for I know that you’ll see it come back to me as a harvest of good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
(From Ephesians 6: 5-9)
Lord, I will serve my clients with deep respect and consideration, as if I were serving Christ. I will try to please them and always serve them fairly. I will work with enthusiasm!
Lord, I will treat my employees and contractors with respect and fairness – remembering that we all have the same Master in heaven.
Biblical Affirmations to Speak over your Business:
• I know exactly what I want to accomplish and perform actions that support those goals.
• I do not waste time in confusion and always turn to God for guidance.
• I run my business with honesty and integrity.
• God has filled me with skill and strength to do my work.
• My diligent efforts will lead to plenty.
• Everything matters, I am faithful with the little things.
• Whatever I do, I do it with all my heart to serve God.
• God takes care of my business needs, I do not have to worry.
• I enjoy my work, my clients and partners.
• I am blessed to be a blessing.
Remember to take time out from work to rest and focus on family, your own personal needs and your relationship with God 🙂
Praying For Your Business
Praying For Your Business
I know quite a few Christians who have been taught that it is selfish to ask God for anything but I just can’t find that in the Bible.
God does say not to worry, that he knows what we need, that we should seek His kingdom and will first and trust that he’ll provide for us.
What it does not say is that it’s wrong to come to him about those needs. In fact, in 1 Peter 5:7 it says: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
Our Father cares about us. Yes, he knows our needs already – but he always welcomes our prayers about those needs.
(It’s important to realize that Worry isn’t Prayer and Prayer isn’t Worry!)
It’s in prayer that we often hear from God about how he plans to provide for those needs.
It’s often in the midst of prayer that we’ll get clarity about our situation and be able to see God’s clear direction for our business.
So don’t be shy. Take your needs list to God in prayer today and ask him to open your eyes to his plans for your business today.
If you want to build your faith and be sure to give God all the glory down the road, start a business prayer journal and jot down the needs and situations you share with God in prayer.
Look back over your lists every now and then and highlight the answered needs and solved situations.
You’ll be blown away at what you see, I’m sure of it!