Soul Ties and How to Break Them (Part 2)
As a believer you’re not supposed to live your life subject to any demonic spirit or better yet… your own wrong decisions. God wants to restore you into righteousness.. or the right way (His way) of doing things. But it takes a process when you have found yourself amidst a tangled web of your own choices. God wants you to live free from being a victim of the actions of others, free from a victim mindset, and free to make the RIGHT choices for your life.
When it comes to relationships it is so difficult to gauge what is a good one and what is not. If you have sound leaders around you, it would be good to listen to those who have your best interest at heart. This will help you to see beyond emotional attachments that can form and blind you ESPECIALLY IF you are like I used to be and you had a history of making wrong choices. I assure you there’s hope on the other side because of the wisdom you will gain in doing things right. It will cause you to help others in ways you only DREAMED. You can also turn your greatest weaknesses and sorrows into a place that will truly bless the world around you… one person at a time!

So when breaking a soul tie:
1. REALIZE it’s an unhealthy, unfruitful and ungodly relationship. Acknowledge that to yourself.
2. DECLARE verbally that you renounce and break agreement/ covenant with the toxic soul tie between you and _____________. I take back my soul (intellect, will, and emotions). My soul belongs to me. I break every promise spoken and plans made in the name of Jesus. I bless them as they go.
3. ASK THE FATHER for guidance in how to maintain your deliverance. For example: Do you live with them, have kids (not adult ones) with them? Do they pay your bills? Are you socially or financially tied to them? Be determined to make some changes.
4. GET GODLY COUNSEL on how to disconnect from the ungodly system that upholds your life in the natural sense. Don’t trust your own wisdom, you have mislead yourself in this and you are coming out of deception. You need GODLY advice.
5. STOP LYING. Don’t lie to yourself or those walking with you in this season to save face. Be honest. Are you in ministry? Do you need to sit down for a season to heal, restore and regroup? Tell those with you the truth about how you are feeling and what you were and may still want to do.
6. SET BOUNDARIES. Breaking off means not entertaining this person anymore. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking that you can be around them and do things for them and not be effected. If you have a younger child and NEED to stay in contact, do so but keep it about the child. Keep it brief. Text or email when you can about things that are happening. YOU have no reason to hang out as a “family” when you KNOW it will lead you back into bondage. There is more on this but we won’t go any deeper at the moment. I suggest reading Buondaries by Townsend and Cloud.
7. STAY IN YOUR WORD AND… increase your worship (intimacy with God) and prayer life. Really talk to God and let Him into all the areas you’ve tried to manage on your own. It is life to you and will sustain you!!!! Increase your spiritual disciplines.
8. BEWARE OF TRICKS. The person usually ALMOST ALWAYS will try to come back. OR MAYBE that person is you. They will go between being very nice or being very angry or mean… even threatening you. They know what draws you so they will appeal to that. If you need money they will bring it, if you wanted to get married they will say let’s move in together or ok we can get married. When you know that’s not a good idea. You have to come to the end of yourself and stand with God and refuse to live in bondage! The nice/ mean tactic is what happens when someone has lost control, especially demonic control. The enemy is looking for a way back in. Don’t fall for it.
9. YOU ARE IN WARFARE AT THIS POINT. Stay on alert and keep your mindset fast in this season. Stop going back and forth between two opinions. Stay in agreement with God and fight your way out. THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE FALL. They get free, they kicked the person out. They got lose but they stopped fighting and stopped being wise to the WARFARE they are in. And THEY GO BACK! Don’t let that be you!
10. THEY COME BACK IN MANY FORMS. For me… I found other demonic souls ties to fill the voids. Never knowingly. But I hadn’t done #10 so I found myself back in crazy emotionally painful situations. It wasn’t the same person every time, but it was a similar one.. or worse one.
11. HEAL AND BE BY YOURSELF FOR A WHILE. I am not speaking about isolation. Unless you have a slew of unhealthy relationships around you and you need to purge your address book (remember those?). I mean it’s ok to not have the void filled. You need time to heal, get strong and learn to allow God to fill those places that allowed you to get into a relationship(s) like that in the first place.
Get rid of those demonic ties. Think about… who you are thinking about? Some of you right now have a person or two in mind. It might even be a bad friendship, an Ex etc.
me if you need scriptures to help you through the process if this is something
you are going through.