Archive for March 2021

Speak Boldly

And pray in my behalf, that speech may be given to me in the opening of mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel..— Ephesians 6:19 NASB


August’s mother was a prayer warrior. She had prayed for her son faithfully since the moment she discovered she was pregnant. Though he was born two months premature and doctors gave him no hope, August’s mother continued to pray for him.

He went home three months after he was born and this only deepened her belief that prayer mattered. But when August started attending a public high school, she worried about him.

Her son’s science teacher was about to start a unit on evolution. She wondered how she could pray for her son during this time. That’s when she stumbled across Ephesians 6:19.

While Paul was imprisoned, he asked the Christians in Ephesus to pray for him, particularly that he would boldly speak about the Gospel. Regardless of the year, location, or country you live in, it’s hard to stand up for what you believe in!

But don’t let the fear of what someone else might say or do prevent you from sharing the truth. You can offer Biblical viewpoints from a place of love and grace. 

God, give me the courage to speak up when I should. Guide my words so that love, grace, and mercy flow from them. Let me be kind and respectful towards everyone…even if they don’t share my views. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


I Look to God

But Moses sought the favor of the Lord his God. “Lord,” he said, “why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand?” – Exodus 32:11, NIV

The Israelites had been freed from four hundred years of slavery in a foreign nation. God had rescued His people, leading them into the desert with the understanding that He would take them to the Promised Land.

But then Moses, who was the leader of the nation, was called up into the mountain to talk with God. He stayed there for a considerable amount of time, no doubt in worship and fellowship.

While Moses is gone, an interesting thing happens. The people begin to grumble. They doubt that God is with them anymore. 

Aaron, the brother of Moses, commands the people to give him their jewelry. He melts down the gold and creates an image in the shape of a calf. Impressed with his work, he proclaims this idol is the one that rescued Israel from Egypt.

It’s tempting to shake your head at the Israelites at this moment. To ask, “How could you do such a thing after God displayed His power so clearly?”

And yet, we’re often quick to do the same thing. After years of prayer, God sends you the spouse you’ve longed for or allows that adoption to go through so you can hold a beautiful baby. He arranges for you to own that house that you wanted for so many years.

In these moments when our deepest desires have been fulfilled, it’s easy to look to them as the source of all our joy. We, in essence, do the same thing Israel did—we trade the Almighty for an idol.

But just like Moses stood in the breach for the people, Jesus stands in the breach for us. He asks God to be merciful and faithful, despite our failings.

Jesus, thank You for interceding on my behalf! When I am given something I’ve longed for, help me not to turn it into an idol. Instead, let me look upon God as the source of all my joy. In Your Name, Amen.

Pray for Those in Authority

First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1Timothy:1-2 NASB.


Jim was having an animated discussion with his wife in the living room. They were playfully arguing over the rules for their nightly chess game. 

When Jim looked over, he realized his teenage son was scowling at the TV. The headlines were proclaiming yet another politician who had been accused of a crime. “There’s so much evil in the world.” His son exclaimed. “How can I make any difference at all?”

Jim thought for a moment, then 1 Timothy 2:1-2 came to mind. “You can pray for your leaders…for your mayor, our governor, the Congressmen, and women. Even our president.”

“But how do I pray for them?” His son asked. “I don’t know where to start.”

“You could pray for their physical safety,” Jim’s wife offered. “That any evil planned against them would be thwarted.”

“That they would stand firm in the face of temptation,” Jim added.

“And that God would provide them with wisdom so they would lead gently, not oppressing the people they serve.” His wife said.

Praying for those in authority can be a wonderful way to show more grace, love, and mercy. When you regularly intercede for leaders, you become less concerned with which side is right and more focused on living a godly life.

God, I confess—sometimes the corruption and lies and viewpoints discourage me. But help me to remember that I can do something—I can pray for my country and its leaders. Teach me how to intercede for those in authority. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In the Wilderness

“After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.” – Matthew 4:2, NIV

Kayla’s plane had just touched down at the airport when she got the call. Her oldest daughter was in the hospital and the doctors didn’t know why she was sick or how to help her.

Without stopping at home to change, she went to be with her daughter. She’d just returned from a mission trip, building homes in an area that had been devasted by a tsunami. She’d felt God’s presence so strongly during her time on the island but when her daughter was sick, she didn’t have that comfort.

When a friend stopped by, she shared her fear that God had left her. “I felt such peace while I was there and now I’m just numb.”

Her friend reassured her that her feelings were normal. “Satan waited to go after Jesus until after He’d spent forty days praying and fasting. He waited until he knew Jesus was exhausted. Any time you experience a spiritual breakthrough, expect to be tested.”

Kayla’s daughter went on to make a full recovery and the experience caused Kayla to see Jesus in a different way. “I’ve always relied on feeling close to God. With my daughter’s illness, I had to lean into faith and trust that God was there, even when it felt my prayers for her went unanswered.”

God, give me strength when I’m being tested. Help me to remember that Jesus was tempted, too. Provide a way out for me so I wouldn’t stumble into sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.