Archive for July 2021

Confess One To Another


Confess One To Another 

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16, NIV

Delaney had started viewing porn when she was a teenager. She was over at her uncle’s house and he didn’t have the adult channels blocked on TV. She was channel-flipping one night when she came across it.

As she got older and had computer access, she started regularly viewing it. She felt deep shame over the habit but she didn’t know who to talk to. She’d never heard of women dealing with sexual addictions.

When she was in her twenties, she started attending a women’s group at her church. After one service, she struck up a conversation with the lady next to her. The other woman revealed a struggle with porn and asked if Delaney would be willing to be her accountability partner.

According to Fight the New Drug, 1 out of every 3 women watches pornography once a week. Although once viewed as only a male problem, porn is becoming increasingly among women of all ages. 

Some magazines and media channels promote porn as a good thing claiming that it “empowers” women. But that’s simply not true. Porn distorts relationships and destroys marriages.

If you’re struggling with porn, find an accountability partner to talk with. You can also download apps like Fortify that can encourage you to avoid porn.

God, help me to stop hiding my sin. Instead, send me a loving friend that I can share my struggles with. Forgive me for my sins and set me free! In Jesus’ name, Amen.