Gifts from the Heart
Author: Kingdom Enlightenment Ministries
Jesus was in the temple, observing all the wealthy wanting to be noticed as they came with their offerings. He noticed a very poor widow dropping two small copper coins in the offering box. “Listen to me, ” he said. “This poor widow has given a larger offering than any of the wealthy.
Luke 21:1-3TPT
Valerie clutched her last five dollars tightly in her sweaty palms. Since being widowed a year ago, every dollar went toward keeping food on the table for her growing sons. She worked two jobs each night, she crawled into bed exhausted.
She could hold onto her last bit of cash, but she thought of her church’s homeless fund. “There are others out there with even less,” Valerie reminded herself as she dropped the money into her church foyer.
A similar situation happened one day when Jesus was visiting the local temple (church). Many gave with much fanfare, drawing attention to their extravagant gifts. They were seeking acknowledgment and praise from those around them. Sadly, much like gift-giving today.
But their gifts didn’t impress the Messiah at all. Instead, He highlighted a widow who had thrown in two coins. Though she was poor and could use the money for her own household, she gave generously to others.
This story illustrates a simple truth about Jesus: The size of your holiday gift doesn’t matter. What matters is the intention behind that gift. When you give from your heart, Jesus is delighted with your offering whether big or small.
Lord, please help me to be a generous giver. Let me give- not to receive praise or recognition- but from a sincere desire to honor You and others.