You Are The Rock In The Slingshot
You are not David. You are the rock in the slingshot.
The Lord dropped that revelation to me last year. The old testament is a shadow of the new testament. This indicates that David is Jesus. The rock is that vessel. The rock is the willing servant. The rock is that clay on the potter’s wheel being shaped and sculpted. The rock is that faithful servant willing to be aimed and released at and into every industry to shift the culture; sorry, I mean to be aimed and released to defeat Goliath.
Are you willing to stop trying to be Jesus in this season and be a servant? When you take control of the slingshot you miss the Goliath God wants you to defeat every time. You end up in lanes you have no grace for, you lack the capacity for. Your anointing isn’t for that place. You are a weapon of mass deliverance when you submit as a rock. There’s a season to be David. There’s a season to be a slingshot. And there’s a season to be a rock.