Praying for Prisoners
“With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be alert with all perseverance and every request for all the saints.” – Ephesians 6:18, NASB
Sasha had never been in trouble with the law. She hadn’t gotten so much as a parking ticket in her life but when she heard the metal door of the local women’s prison slam shut behind her, she still gulped.
She followed her friend to the visitor’s area. She was overwhelmed to see the incarcerated women with their families. She couldn’t imagine being separated for months or years from her children the way these women were.
When the visit was over, Sasha left with her friend. On the way home, she cried for the inmates of the prison. She’d sensed the hopelessness and despair many of them carried and she felt called to do something.
She got permission from the prison warden and she started a Wednesday Bible study. After each meeting, she stayed behind to offer prayer to any of them the women who asked for it. Over time, she became friends with many of the prisoners. She prayed for them, their spouses, and their children.
When praying for others, don’t forget those who are imprisoned. Although they may rightly be there, God still has deep compassion and mercy for inmates. You can consider praying for their healing, for their families, and for new opportunities to appear once they’re released.
God, I pray for the men and women in prison. I ask that You would show up in their lives. Heal those who need healing. Redeem those who think they’ve gone too far. Let them see that You are a God of mercy and compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.