God’s Provision
Now when I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven-Nehemiah 1:4, NASB
Nehemiah was an Israelite living in Persia. When his brothers came to visit him, they reported that the remaining Israelites were in deep distress. Not only were they weary and discouraged, but the wall surrounding Jerusalem had also been broken down. The once magnificent wall had protected the city for years and stood as a testament to the faithfulness of God.
So when Nehemiah learned it had fallen into disrepair, he was deeply troubled. He wept over the destruction, confessing the sin of his nation.
Shortly after that, Nehemiah was serving the king of Persia. When the king noticed Nehemiah’s distress, he asked what was bothering him.
Nehemiah prayed in the moment and explained the situation. The king granted him permission to leave and repair the city’s walls.
God caused the heart of the king to be responsive and kind to Nehemiah’s request. He was not only given permission to go but he was also granted protection and provision, too.
“And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests.” (Nehemiah 1:8)
Is there a situation where you or a friend needs God’s protection and provision? Take heart in the story of Nehemiah. God can and does provide for His children when they’re walking in His will.
God, thank You for dealing so graciously with me! I have need of (request) and I’m coming to You because I know You are the good Father. You always provide for Your children and bless us. So thank You for what You’re about to do! In Jesus’ name, Amen.