Pricing Yourself

Pricing Yourself


What are you worth?


Oooh… touchy question 🙂


Maybe I should ask, what is your time worth?


In a past devotion we established that we only have 24 hours in a day. 


Some of those hours belong to our children.


Some to our spouse.


Some to ourselves. 


Some to God.


Some to our church.


Some to our community.


The hours you spend at work – become hours that can’t be spent elsewhere so you must assign value to that time.


How do you decide your prices?  


Outside of our faith, we should be pricing our products and services based on a variety of factors.


Competition, quality, specialization, experience, etc.


If you’re good at what you do and give great results, your prices should be higher than average.


If you’re new and learning, your prices should be lower than average.


But add our faith to the mix and things get complicated.


Are high prices prideful?


Are low prices holy?


No and No.


You’re not called to a life of poverty or low priced servitude and you’re not being ‘uppity’ if you’re especially gifted and can charge a premium for your products and services.



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