Archive for July 2022
How Do I Know When I Am Offended?

Emotional Intelligence is being able to identify when an offense has actually occurred.
Sometimes an offense was done AGAINST you, but that doesn’t make YOU offended. You know that it wasn’t right, you know that it wasn’t ok. You are not pleased with it. But you may not have actual offense in your heart.
An offended heart is bitter and holds resentment. It has not forgiven.
When an offense has been done and you are displeased with it, disappointed, you may act accordingly. You may have different boundaries and you may need to operate differently with the person/ organization.
It may even still hurt and disappointed… but there is a a difference between being wounded and offended.
Here are questions to ask yourself:
- Have I genuinely (not lying to myself) forgiven them?
- Have I taken appropriate responsibility where it is warranted? Not just looked at their part?
- Have I released them in my heart?
- Have I sat with God and identified my feelings about this?
You may have to still deal with hurt feelings, but when bitterness and resentment have set it… there is still anger directed at whomever you are offended toward.
Sometimes we don’t actually know when we are hurt because we aren’t used to identifying our pain.
In the next blog we will explore more on how to identify when you are in pain.
Scammers, Low Ballers and Bidding Ward – Oh my!

Integrity and Scams you may want to watch for.
So it has been so interesting selling our Airbnb items 😂. Here is a nice little scam I got hit with from FB Marketplace, though many have been nice.
My husband and I are HEAVY when teaching Marketplace Christianity and Integrity. We even counsel regular workers, Managers and Entrepreneurs in this area. So the following didn’t cause an emotional response from me… just a funny observation.
THE SCAMMER – I was asked to call/ text a woman. She didn’t pick up, but she texted back saying she didn’t want to be scammed and that she sent me a Google code to my phone. Then she wanted me to TELL her what the code was. Pretty sure she was trying to hack my email address. Otherwise lady if you wanted to know I was a real person, you should have picked up the phone smh.
THE LOW BALLER – Some negotiations are EXPECTED at times. But the prices I was asked were, well interesting. 😂 People have a right to ask. Nothing wrong with that! And I can decide if I am ok with it or not. But the guilt trip when I don’t accept is the true heart of a low baller 😂😂. And it doesn’t work or reflect well.
It is hard having to sell things at 50% – 75% of what you bought it for and it was gently used. Let alone a whole house. So we wanted to be fair. I have had the funniest offers. It’s cool though. But many appreciated the value they were getting, considering what we were literally giving away with a lot of items. And they sold quickly… there is no way you’d find this quality in a store especially with inflation right now.
We were trying to be a blessing. But this is something I expected. I always try to remember that the person I am buying from is a real person and try not to be just out for just myself when purchasing. Likewise those I am selling to. I try to price things that will be a win win.
THE BIDDING WAR – This was the funniest. I was low balled initially on an offer and then the offer moved to being over my asking price for something when they learned it was already sold. I said they were welcome to purchase the one available item but I was firm that I honor first come first serve on the other item and that one was spoken for.
Now…. I KNOW it is worth double or more than what I am selling it for. But I chose the price… I promised someone first rights to it because they committed firmly to getting it. If they don’t come through, then I will go back to those who offered. The person agreed and I appreciate them for trying but I didn’t flinch or even consider it. It isn’t fair… and I promised. I appreciated her though… she seems sweet.
I am saying all of this because these are examples of heart conditions we have. Separating our attitudes in dealing with money vs valuing people or even honoring God in our money and business dealings.
It is soooo important to BE a LIGHT in these situations. Like I always say… it is not ok to say… it’s just business, nothing personal. Not when you represent a Living God who sees all. He can and will give back to us much more when we have integrity when it comes to money. It’s just a few household items but I am shooting for a “Well done” in heaven.
Money ain’t worth more than PEOPLE. Ever….