Stretching Your Faith


Stretching Your Faith


Proverbs 21:5 reads:


Good planning and diligent work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.


I know a thing or two about shortcuts.  I’ve set some amazing goals for myself over the years and when the completion date draws near I feel a lot of pressure to just ‘make it’ to the end somehow.  That’s when a shortcut looks real good to me.


Some shortcuts are great – trimming a few minutes off a project here and there can’t hurt much, right?  


Let me plant a seed of thought in you today that may just bring about a harvest of excellence in your life…


Think of a plan as a promise.


If you plan to complete a project in ten important steps, and feel tempted to leave out one or two of those steps in order to make a deadline – you’re breaking your promise.


Nobody likes to think of themselves as someone who would break a promise!


Apply this thought to every plan, no matter how small, even those you make only for yourself.  


Do you set your alarm for 6am in order to get some quiet time with God in the morning?  That’s you making a plan.


Do you hit the snooze a couple of times to stretch out your sleep? That’s you breaking a promise to yourself. (It’s not the best way to start the day)


Do you create excellent plans based on what you know a project requires – but later trim off some of the ‘time intensive’ items on the list to save time?  


That’s you taking a short cut and it will have an impact on your bottom line.


Why am I talking about this on Stretch Yourself?


Because making and keeping plans/promises will be the single most important thing you can do to stretch your faith in yourself right now.


You know God is a Big God who can accomplish anything.


Now you need to know something new about yourself…


That you’re someone who makes plans and sees them through to completion. You’re someone who finishes what she starts and does so with excellence!


Practice this in small things and you’ll be accomplishing it when it really matters most 🙂

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